Sunday, January 9, 2011

Disturbed By The State of the Nation

First, I'll do some weight loss comments, before I get on my soapbox. I have drunk my water (at least ninety ounces) for the past four days and I am now bloated and cranky. Marc says it just takes some time to get used to it, so I'm hoping he's right. For lunch today, I made scrambled eggs with spinach and mushrooms and it was very good, and for that I'm thankful! It would suck if healthy food was gross, but it's really not. In the long run, whole grains, veggies, and fruits taste much better than all that processed stuff that probably gives you cancer anyway.

Can you tell that I'm cranky? So, onto my other reason for writing today. My husband said this morning (and I've quoted him already on Facebook) that he understands free speech, but what about RESPONSIBLE free speech?

Everyone already knows about the Representative that was shot in Tucson on Saturday. Twleve people were shot, including a nine-year old girl who died at the scene. 5 others are dead, including a federal judge and Representative Giffords was shot in the head. Remarkably, she survived surgery and the doctors are cautiously optimistic, but the attack was definitely aimed at her. The cause for this? A nutjob, but it doesn't help that some things were put right out there for nutjobs to concentrate on. Sarah Palin (whom I don't like and that's no secret) had a website where congressional districts were "Targeted" and on that website, various districts had bulleye markings with crosshairs. Tucson was one of those districts and what did someone do? They took it literally and SHOT someone for not agreeing with her.

When did this happen? Most of the politicians want to prove that they are "good christians" and they love Jesus. Would Jesus have done this? Would Jesus have posted crosshairs on Herod's kingdom and encouraged people to go shoot him? I think not. So where is the good Christianity that people are espousing? Certainly not where I've seen it.

A friend yesterday posted something on facebook: a short video (creatively edited) that showed Nancy Pelosi handing over the gavel of the Speaker of the House to her successor, who then hit her on the head with it. How is this funny? How can we be mad about violence when we not only condone it, we use it for our pleasure? I've got a newsflash for you - it's not funny. Not even remotely. It is NOT OKAY to post things like this for the general public.

What did I say before? There are NUTJOBS out there who will take this stuff seriously and run with it! Responsible free speech should be our right, not the right to say anything we want. Where do we draw the line? You can't scream FIRE in a crowded theater, for example, but how is putting a target on someone's head any different?

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