Sunday, January 13, 2013

Terrible Blogger

Oh, I am a terrible blogger.  I make a resolution to blog, then I fail, then I resolve again, and fail once more.  You will all simply have to be patient with me.  So what's new in the 15 months since I've last blogged?  Sheesh...that would take forever.  So let's start at Christmas.

No, wait, we'll give a tiny family update instead and go from there:

My dad: I didn't talk about it much on here, but my father was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins anaplastic large-cell lymphoma in the summer of 2011.  He underwent five rounds of chemo (they skipped the sixth because they were afraid of the consequences to him), then the doctors discovered a need for back surgery because of two damaged discs.  Surgery was done, recovery was...acceptable...and he started radiation in January of 2012, shortly after my car accident (suppose I should talk about that later, huh?).  Since the radiation, he's been using a walker to get around and has had a terrible time.  He shakes, which we were told was a result of his anti-rejection medication from a transplant in 1999.  He can't hold himself up long, and sometimes can't control his bodily functions.  Now that he hasn't improved, they are treating him for possible Parkinson's.

Marc's Dad: In the summer of 2012, when we thought we were recovering from the scariness with my father, we were informed that Marc's dad had bladder cancer and they would be treating it with intra-urethral TB injections through a catheter.  Gee...I bet that sucked.  However, they seemed to have done what they needed to do and he is cancer free.  This is a very good thing.  He and GMa Lori are planning on coming to Jasper to watch the kids this summer when Marc and I go to Africa.

WHAT?  I didn't mention that, either?  Marc and I are climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro in July of 2013.  No, really, we are.  I'm sure you'll hear more about it if I manage to get myself back onto this site once in awhile!!

The Accident: On January 3, 2012, I was driving to Cedar Rapids to help my mother and father move him into a short-tern care facility and I rolled my car 3 times going 75 miles per hour on I-90, just east of Adrian, MN.  I did not have a concussion, I did not get stitches, and I didn't have any broken bones, nor did I hit anyone or have anyone hit me.  It was a freak moment of inattention and an accident happened in the right place at the right time.  Strange to say that, but no one else was involved and our car was totaled, yet I walked away from it.  I did have to have shoulder surgery later for a burst bursa from a dislocation, but at the time, it was a miracle.  It's still a miracle.

Christmas: Now that all of THAT is out of the way, we spent Christmas in Phoenix, AZ with Marc's family.  It was awesome.  Not only did the kids get to spend time with cousins and aunts and uncles, we also got to go swimming OUTDOORS on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  The kids were so excited it was great.  We went to the zoo, had a great time, and were sad to leave after 4 days.

Now that we're back, planning has started in earnest for our climb.  We have bought our plane tickets, scheduled and confirmed a safari, and purchased some of our equipment.  I've engaged a personal trainer and settled into a routine that will hopefully get me strong enough for the climb and help me lose a little weight.  So far, the schedule is as follows:

Monday: Trainer in the AM (8:15 - 9:00, followed by a little cardio)
               ZUMBA after work.  Super fun!
Tuesday: 1/2 of the Hour Of Power in the AM, followed by cardio
Wednesday: Weight circuit in the morning
                    Aerobic Kick-boxing after work.
Thursday: OFF
Friday: Weight circuit and elliptical in the AM
            Yoga after work.
Saturday: Recumbent bike at home
Sunday: OFF

It's a good schedule that I hope I can stick to.  We've removed a lot of processed foods from the house, trying to stick with home-made, whole grain, good things to eat.  Marc bought me a cheese kit for Christmas, so I have been making mozzarella and ricotta cheese for us and it tastes even better for being made by me!

Most other plans are on hold until after the climb.  Neither one of us is highly involved with anything outside the home.  The kids are doing great in school, though Sintu has focus problems.  We're starting to work on that with the school social worker and possibly the psychologist to figure out if it's part of memories and habits from before he joined our family or if it's something else.

And for now, that's all.  Let's see if I can manage to write again in a week or so.


  1. It can be fun. It's sposed to be fun. If it's a chore... don't do it. Trying adding some fund pictures....;)

    1. Thanks! I'll try that later. I enjoy blogging, I just forget to do it!
