Right. It's snowing again. A LOT of snow. And it just keeps coming. It's light and fluffy enough, and quite lovely, but if the wind picks up, we're all screwed. And what do we have around here in great abundance? Wind. So we'll see what tomorrow will bring.
School was closed today because of lack of plowing, but the kids really wanted to go to daycare, so I opened the library for four hours this afternoon - it'll let us get delivery done, shelving, and some projects. However, I have had to shovel the walkway TWICE and am now wondering why I bothered to work out this morning at all.
Ha. I did, though. I used the exercise bike at home and did intervals while the kids watched Hotel For Dogs, which is a really cute movie. Dagny got very upset when the siblings (humans) got seperated and all the dogs got locked in cages, to the point where she was crying. And by the end, I was crying, too, since it's so sappy and marvelous. Sometimes I wish I wasn't such a cryer. Oh well. Guess I can't fix that.
I also made aaplesauce bagels this morning. I have this recipe for pumpkin, but with Marc and I trying to steer clear of processed foods, I thought I'd try something else. So instead of canned pumpkin, I used home-made applesauce and whole wheat flour instead of the white. They're very good! I think I'll put in raisins next time, though.
I'm still drinking my water and peeing like nobody's business (like you needed to hear that) and on Sunday I was so bloated, I was miserable. BUT - today I feel better. Maybe my body IS adjusting to it. I hope so, anyway. I like the side-effects. My ecxema is almost gone, my legs don't itch like they do every winter, and my skin is feeling healthier in general. I think I can keep it up!!
And for lunch I had a spinach and mushroom salad and it was very tasty. Tonight we're having shrimp alfredo with whole wheat pasta - should be very tasty! I think we might cheat and have a little bread with it, but once in awhile isn't a big deal.
Hope everyone is warm and snug, wherever they are!
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